Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Heart Wrenching Sadness

10 CHAPTERS FULL OF IT! What am I gonna do!? Sigh... I reached the part where Tsukasa decides to give up everything to be with Tsukushi. But what happens? He was stabbed by an enemy of the Domyouji family and lost all his memory ON TSUKUSHI! Now, being a real impatient girl I skipped 10 chapters just to check if Tsukasa has regained his memory yet or I'll be reading even more unpleasant pages. He did. But it did not change the fact that there're 10 chapters in between! Oh, what am I gonna do... This will be painful to endure... Sigh... Gosh, I think he even fell for another girl in between... This is seriously MAD! T_T Why is the road of true love never smooth!? Arrgh... Away with it! I'm reading both chapters simultaneously... I wonder, if a guy loses his memory and fell for a girl during this period, what would happen when he regained his memories and remembered the girl he loved? How about the girl he just fell for? Wow... This is really dramatic... I hope it's not harsh on the new girl.

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