Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Golden String

Len gets special attention! Doesn't he look good in long sleeved shirts? Sigh... Oh well, I always have been attracted to guys who can pull off a long sleeved shirt. XD Or maybe it's just the thought of a good looking guy like him who plays the violin! And those sad eyes! *swoons*

I know what everyone is thinking, why does almost every post in this blog mentions a manga, an anime or a book, am I right? Truth to be told, I was rarely excited about anything else except for those. My eyes practically lit up when the subject is broached. And so once again, this post is about an anime! La Corda D'Oro or The Golden String to be exact! What exactly attracted me to this anime? The opening song and the queue of utterly good looking guys that’s what! What more can a girl asks for? Hehe... And after watching it, I fell in love with the songs and of course, one of the guy characters! Tsukimori Len! He’s aloof but deep inside he’s a real nice guy. Sensitive and is a talented violinist, he has his own demons as have everyone from the anime. There is vulnerability in his character that attracts me. He is very different from Tsuchiura Ryoutarou who looks more manly and strong. Or the evil and mischievous Yunoki Azuma that reminds me greatly of Ootori Kyouya from Ouran High School Host Club. The junior Shimizu Keiichi is weird but in that sense he is absolutely adorable and is really funny to watch. Hihara Kazuki, the trumpeter is just a plain nice guy but then again, sometimes, it’s the darkness of a person that attracts others don’t you think?

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