Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Another Ending,,,

Before I know it, the semester is almost coming to an end. And I bought some fishes for my room too! I hope they are going to be alright when I leave...

Here are pictures of my cute fishes! The most awesome one would be the fighting fish of course! But my other fishes are awesome as well! I was talking to my grandpa about fishes before Shu Ern and Sui Yen called me along to old town to get some. It was fun. The bigger fishes were bullying the smaller ones and I was really afraid that they are going to hurt them but I think they have finally settled down for now... I would love to get one or two more fishes soon after I am done decorating the tank!

Here's my fighting fish! It is called a halfmoon if I am not mistaken... It has a really pretty blue colour and it swims ever so elegantly! I really do like looking at it! One day I hope I can get a rabbit! Now that would be SUPER AWESOME! XD

I had a talk with Shu Ern when she came over to get some of our fish meds from me. I have never really had a talk like this with her before but it was good. =)

Guess what? We managed to surprise Melissa on her birthday. Of course she knows that something was going on when Calvin called her down that night before midnight but she did not think that we would do it in front of her house. The guys in the house next door were staring at us because we were so loud. Hehe...

And while we were at Ghany for supper that night, this guy here is very anxious over a football game. Look at his expression... Priceless... XD

And, our last CF meeting for this short sem... We had food and gifts exchange! Opening up the presents were fun indeed. Some get really special gifts while some got towels and shower gel. But it's all the thought that counts no?

Here would be Melodie and Kyle. For once, she towered over him. An accomplishment indeed... Kyle is amazed that such a thing happened...

And another really sesat picture of the night. Gale trying to act cute. When would he learn that cute is a word that cannot be associated with him no matter what? XD

Fiona and Derk...

I have been feeling unwell this week since Sunday. DK Shu asked me a lot of questions and after taking my temperature, told me that I have a fever and prescribed me some meds... I really hate taking medicine and was somewhat really dismayed that I had to take 2 panadols, 2 antibiotics and a very big Vit C pill... Urgh... Sheer torture! And I have to remember to take meds every 4 hours too... Sigh... I have to remind myself that it is for my own good every time the time arrives for me to swallow those horrible tasting things...

This sem, I had to deal with a lot of my own weakness and insecurities but I am glad I have all these good friends here for me all these time. I can't wait for more of our captainball and DotA sessions. Rain rain go away! Isabelle wants to go out to play!

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