Friday, November 27, 2009

Something To Think About...

I realised belatedly that while we were playing DotA, I was the only girl playing...

Well, to tell the truth, I think DotA is quite fun. Although I think I did 'ok' in the first game, I was totally pawned in the second one... 'Isabelle Killer' finally did his job of killing me multiple times till I get so fed up of waiting through the spawning period. Sigh...

A friend told me that I am pretty much a boy and that I am only a girl physically because I like anime/manga, I like playing games and well, I'm just not girly enough? But then again, is the society's old perception of masculinity and femininity stuck in our mind still? Must I be a girl that sits around and look nice, sew, does the house chores and cook?

I get to hang out with the guys today and it was really...different? Instead of just some normal exchange of pleasantries and jokes, there were some deep topic that were actually talked about. And although I am pretty much blur most of the time, it was interesting to listen to. It's like how I always sit around and listen to my dad talk to my uncle back home. Sure shows a person how childish she is when she listens to people her age talk about all these kinda things...

But I wouldn't mind hanging out with them again like this. I am not a girly girl, and I accept that. I enjoy games and I'd tag along more often to these sessions if they don't mind a newbie (I hate the word noob, just sounds so rude) like me going along... XD

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Surprises...

Took me some time and lack of a few good night sleep to get these done but at least it's worth it seeing the look on their faces. Glad you two liked the cards. Although rushed, they were fun to make. XD

Bunny Craftiness
Maybe I should start a small scale business on cards... What do you guys think? XD

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Of Tired Eyes And A Lack of Sleep...

Goodness knows how long I've been in need of sleep lately... And I pulled another night finishing off some surprises. I'm dead tired and feeling slightly hungry as well. My class is in 4 hours time. I wonder if I could actually get some sleep... I'll post pictures of what I've been up to till so late with full day of class tomorrow from 8am to 6.30pm and a CF meeting at night as well when it's finally over and done with... I NEED REST!!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Presentations All The Way...

It seems like I've got a lot to do lately and I hope I did not take up too much for me to handle... I can only pray and hope that God will help me with all the things I have to do this week... And, I should also remind myself more often that eating and sleeping is good... I seem to be doing very little of both lately... Sigh... Just a few slides I picked out from my Japanese presentation... We are supposed to make a teaching aid for kids... Enjoy...

Friday, November 13, 2009

One Down, Another To Go!

I just finished my sociology presentation on gender inequality this afternoon. Although, like always, I forget to state some points that I wanted to because I was so nervous I couldn't even breathe, it went ok I guess... *sigh* I hope it is enough... My Japanese midterm is tomorrow, wish me luck guys!

Gakuen Heaven... I saw the picture and I though, why not give it a try? There are enough cute guys in the anime. And gosh are they drool worthy indeed. A school for the elites, each and everyone of them have something they are good at at national level apart from being good looking. But I did not know that this is quite close to a yaoi anime, more of a shonen-ai one. And believe me, there's not even ONE girl in this anime!!!!! I was slightly disturb, just slightly XD, when I watched it, the eye candy helped remedy that, but the last episode blew me away... Go watch it if you wanna know what happened... Or get the anime from me. I'm more than glad to spread some shonen-ai around. XD

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Missing Piece

When something is amiss or when things are just not the same anymore, the picture that you thought is already perfect is now missing a piece. Where can it be found? Will the picture ever be complete again? So many factors to consider yet all are variables that will change without warning. Change is inevitable but sometimes it is not easy adapting to change.

I have been thinking of a lot of things today... Thinking of a problem I have been tackling for some time now but have yet to conquer. I hope this can change. It is painful thinking about it. What does it really mean to love your neighbour as much as you do yourself? I am still trying to figure that out. Committing to something leaves you vulnerable, it hurts. A lot. But if you don't then what are you? An empty shell? Is that what I am becoming now? Immersing myself in worldly things to get away from people and my feelings, is that really the answer? Please help me understand Your will... Help me live a life that is pleasant to You. Guide me through this My Lord...